Our Organization exists to assist members in growth and development of their biomedical programs by regular exchange of information, ideas and experiences through meetings, training programs, establish contacts and promote better communication between manufacturers, biomedical instrumentation department staff and HTM Managers.
Who is NEFAMI?
We are the North East Florida Association of Medical Instrumentation. NEFAMIi is the North East Florida Chapter of the Florida Biomedical Association. We are Healthcare technology management (HTM) professionals who gather to discuss and share industry best practices, new technologies and opportunities, provide education to our members and support to the North Florida Region.
We are vital members of any world-class healthcare delivery team. Clinical engineers, biomedical equipment technicians, and other highly skilled professionals use their expertise to ensure the safety, efficacy, and availability of life-saving healthcare technologies, while keeping healthcare costs down.
We meet with clinicians and other healthcare management professionals to ensure the highest standards and best practices in medical device safety, security, interoperability and functionality.