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Southeastern Medical Device Security Peer Alliance Meeting - 1

  • May 12, 2021
  • 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
  • WebEx


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You are invited to the first Southeastern Medical Device Security Peer Alliance meeting

We are meeting to talk about what’s going on in our worlds to help sharpen one another. The purpose of the meeting is to build a rapport and trust among our members so that we can help one another and share with one another to help us meet NIST CSF v1.1 RS.CO-5:

I encourage you to join the meeting and invite others that are interested in joining.

We will discuss:

  • 1.       The purpose of Southeastern Medical Device Security Peer Alliance
  • 2.       Meet and Greet
  • 3.       Successes you and I have had recently in our programs
  • 4.       Challenges you and I have been having
  • 5.       Asking questions or requesting assistance
  • 6.       Close

Cybersecurity does not know geographic boundaries, so anyone is welcome to join SEMDSPA (perhaps a new name with a catchy acronym is needed). But our intention is to be regional. If you know anyone in Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, North or South Carolina, please forward them this invitation.

(c) 2021   Northeast Florida Association for Medical Instrumentation

NEFAMI is a chapter of the Florida Biomedical Society.


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